Sports-related crying for no reason

With less than twenty minutes to go before the Paralympic opening ceremony starts, I’m wondering if I’m braced for the onslaught of tears the next couple of weeks are about to unleash. If the Paralympics are anything like the Olympics, I’m going to be a wreck.

Particularly if these games include:

1. People saying thank you to their dead mums

2. People who normally can be relied upon to lose, winning against the person he last lost against (I’m looking at you Andy ‘reduce me to tears even though you’re emotionless’ Murray).

3. People I’ve never heard of from other countries winning medals for places that have barely won before AKA Steven Kiprotich – I saw the last 15 minutes of the marathon. Steven Kiprotich was in third place and looked injured. My sister turned to me and said ‘He left his family when he was young to train for this, but he’s injured and now he might not even get the bronze. His country have never got a medal at this distance.’

Two minutes later, Steven Kiprotich had overtaken the two Kenyans and taken the lead. Loping towards the line, I started to cry – ‘I’ve no idea who you are, or what country you’re running for, but this is a beautiful Olympic moment.’

4. Men who cry

Sir Chris Hoy, those rowers pounded at the line by the Danish, Steve Redgrave, Felix Sanchez… You kill me!

5. BBC montages

The ultimate collection of ridiculously emotional moments. Guaranteed to make me weep and weep uncontrollably.

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